Forum -> In Memoriam -> Edmond

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Mr Coffee
06-09-2014 01:16

99% of you will not know or remember Edmond. He was an original member of The Shire of Hoes. When the Shire first started, we were all members of the Rollout Room at Target Corp Headquarters. Edmond was our boss, and was awesome. So many games we would play. As long as the work got done, he was cool with it. He was stricken with Leukemia and was deathly ill. He beat it, and returned to work. After most of us got outsourced, I lost track of him. Evidently the Leukemia returned and he was not able to fight it this second time.

Edmond left the game after he got the first bout of cancer. So he has long since been deleted. He left behind 2 daughters.

I will miss Edmond (Brian) very much.

RIP Bishes!

Jan 1 2008
TL 277Tot XP 859211 Rank 674
Const Lvl 22 Const XP 56287Const. Rank 126

Edited on 06-09-2014 10:17
Proud Owner of the Golden Hoe * 8th Member of the 1000 TL club
56 Prometheus struck and dealt 56 damage to the Platina flame dragon. 0/751
[5] 20:50 (Mod)Moderator: ^what Prometheus said
TSoH 4 Life!
Mr. Addy
Keeping this game free by adding ads to every topic
06-09-2014 01:20

R.I.P. Edmund.
72 Critical hit: You struck and dealt 72 damage to the Centaur. 0/38

~FoS~ "Powered by Obsidian"
06-09-2014 01:24

R.I.P. Edmond
Forgemaster Az
06-09-2014 01:25

Unfortunately I never got to know him. But once a hoe, you are always a member of this family!

R.I.P. Edmond
R.I.P. Kelly
I will never forget you. You leaving leaves a big whole in my heart. Keep a place in front row for me at Wrestlemania: Heaven Edition! I love you, my friend...and I miss you :,(
06-09-2014 01:42

Edmond (Brian) was a great guy. I knew him from working with him at Target and being a former member of the Shire myself. He was one of the nicest bosses I have ever had.
RIP Maranda 3/7/12
RIP Dreamer. 4/22/10
06-09-2014 02:28

RIP Edmond
You have married PaddingtonBear! 10/28/2012

You are now planting 400 Plum seeds.
06-09-2014 03:56

rest in peace Edmond
up the irons
06-09-2014 06:33

R.I.P. Edmond
Rose one day. Wish you could break away.

If you talk to God you're religious. If God talks to you, you're psychotic
06-09-2014 10:13

rest in peace
Cruz Nairb
06-09-2014 10:29

RIP, thoughts are with family and friends.

- CN
"You are a brave and powerful warrior. I have some gifts for you. Thank you for your help!"

You have completed the "Mighty Warrior" quest!

Joined: 20 February 2008

- Cruz Nairb -
06-09-2014 19:43

07-09-2014 07:24

07-09-2014 19:48

Never got to know him RIP bud
18-09-2014 16:46

Rest in peace, Thoughts of love to his family
30-10-2014 21:29

did not know him but sleep well, thoughts are with you're family
12-05-2015 20:13

So very sorry to hear of the loss of yet another friend.
(Mod)impi[MAAN]: Evening Hopewithtoomanynumbers :)
genezen[~X~]: *tries to follow Hope into Wild chat* Crikey! look at the aggresive nature of the Wild woman in her natural habitat XD
23-08-2015 12:14

R.I.P. Edmond
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Forum -> In Memoriam -> Edmond