Forum -> In Memoriam -> RIP Murderdol22

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25-02-2011 10:26

Many "older" players shall have fond memories of Murder (for short) in world chat in the days of DW hailing one another, sadly after approximately a year of playing he tragically passed on in April of 2008. I had the honor of getting to know him in real life and being his friend for many a years and he convinced me to play this game, i cherish so many great memories so for that i am truely gratful, and i shall never forget such an amazing person.

The Happiness Poem

When you're feeling down, when your feeling low
When you are backed into a corner with nowhere to go
When theres a patter on your shoulder, you know its the rain
As it falls harder and harder you feel miserable again

So we must cheer up, jig, dance and be joyful
because theres no need to be feeling cruel
when theres so many happy things
more so then what the darkness brings

Bathe in the sunshine, bathe in the joy
ignore all the evil thats trying to destroy
all the good in your heart, you know its there
hide it from evil, and its icy cold glare

Remain happy when times are all glum
if you ever get down, just be drinking some rum
Theres no need to be sad when theres better times to be had
Look into the sky, as happiness floats bye

Be joyous for all the good times that there are
Look into the sky, see the twinkle of a star
Let its light fill you with everlasting hope
If you see bad, remember to say nope

so always be happy , no matter what
Avoid all the evil that lies and can rot
Evil is everywhere, evil is here
But if you are happy you have no fear

So remember to always put on a smile
Not only will it add to your style
because others will see you, and they'll have cause to cheer
as darkness becomes something no one will fear

You maybe gone from this world, but never forgotten.

Edited on 25-02-2011 11:30
Mr. Addy
Keeping this game free by adding ads to every topic
25-02-2011 10:55

He was a good lad, always managed to brighten chat.
We are all atheists about most of the gods that societies have ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further. - Richard Dawkins
25-02-2011 18:10

Was a very caring person. It has been such a long time. RIP =(
25-02-2011 23:29

I miss him so much everyday
26-02-2011 01:05

Such a nice guy. I can't believe its been 3 years already

Edited on 26-02-2011 05:04
~Love is the breath of life, forgiveness its its soil..
Rest in peace dear dreamer ~4/22/10~
26-02-2011 01:28

Still remember exactly when I heard the awful news of his passing.

Still sadly missed
23-06-2011 05:30

ahh murder great person better friend always had the right answer a very tragic and abrupt ending:

Che la morte ti dia la pace che cercavi. Requiescat en pace.

23-06-2011 06:57

I miss him too terribly Andi hon I still want to see him pop up on msn or do his *bow to my lady* in chat. He will always be in my thoughts and my heart.

xoxoxo murder hon your lady still waits for you xoxoxo
22-09-2011 06:01

i miss that kid i was sad when he no longer logged on to talk with me.

was in the same clan for a shortwhile.

awesome person no doubt
"Moral courage is the most valuable and usually the most absent characteristic in men."
- General George S. Patton, Jr

Emperorconor[Wolf]: oh look a headcrab!! can we keep it??
22-09-2011 08:32

Murder was one of the first people I spoke to in Syrnia, never had a bad word to say about anybody, a great sense of humour and a good chat too. I miss him too but this sort of thread goes to show, he'll never be forgotten.

RIP mate

22-09-2011 09:15

RIP, and never forgotten.
20-06-2017 23:35

Aww another gentleman gone. Rest in peace Murderdol.
Cruz Nairb
21-06-2017 04:23

[3]02:24 undying[InGen]: Wanted: Hercules-esque warrior to carry a forest worth of logs across a douche-infested wasteland.

Level 43 mage: contact me for enchants

- Cruz Nairb of [InGen] -
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Forum -> In Memoriam -> RIP Murderdol22