Forum -> In Memoriam -> RIP GameHunter

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25-02-2011 01:34

RIP GameHunter

GameHunter was a great friend of mine and played for a few years here and was in DlofD most of it He died from a brain tumor a few days before Christmas 2010.

He will be greatly missed.
You found 1 Four leaf clover while walking !

The Gold scaled gaman died. You got 144 defence experience.
Mr. Addy
Keeping this game free by adding ads to every topic
25-02-2011 07:42

Oh how sad!!!

He was a great guy! So sorry to hear this!

My prayers to his family and friends!
Live Fully!
Laugh Often!
Love Deeply!

and Drink Good Single Malts!!!
Cruz Nairb
25-02-2011 07:45

RIP, we spoke sometimes. Such a shame.

- Cruz
Uncertain lies. Keep close to me. We're worlds away. My life made no sound. I fear your eyes closing. This sacred chain.
25-02-2011 07:52

I could have sworn this was longer ago, but as I never knew him I'll take your word for it. Always sad to see players leave us in this way.
25-02-2011 08:57

He was a guildie of mine on another game and was a nice guy, was sad to hear that he passed away
Rules of survival:
1)If you can run, run
2)If you can't run, surrender, then run
3)If you're outnumbered, let them fight each other while you run

You have married TheBeast <3

~Rainbow Clan~
25-02-2011 18:15

Wow was completly unaware of this

Was in DLofD with him for ALONG time before the clan disolved

Talked alot - real nice guy


You have been killed 0 times by a monster/creature,
and 1 times by another player.

That death was at his hands in Battlemage - Both clannies and last 2 men standing in the areana.

Edited on 25-02-2011 18:20
25-02-2011 18:23

We were together in DLofD back in the days, sadly never really talked to him after that.

I hope you enjoyed your life and that you may rest in peace.
Kakashi1[UBER]: Oh my god Des, you have the best avatar in the universe
King Albatross[*TF*]: I LUVE YOU DESSSYBABE!

I pity the fool!, your TRUE Syrnia resource!
25-02-2011 23:07

Poor guy, Rest in Peace buddy.
26-02-2011 01:05

I still talk to his little brother now their family is doing well but he is still a great loss to us all
<-- It's more like me than a jock strap!!!!!
<-- I see you eyeing me up M2H u kno u want me lol.

[5] 04:55 Handsome: what is this?
[5] 04:56 stinkyjoe[*I*C*]: This is Sparta!

I love to SKATE!!!!!!
26-02-2011 07:09

Rest in peace,GameHunter.

Burnt Cod
26-02-2011 15:45

Rest in Peace mate.

07-03-2011 22:37

he/she/someone logged in under this name yesterday. i sure hope the mods look into this? it could of been a name change but why make a board of who's dead from the game then let someone take the name???
08-03-2011 04:27

sorry to hear this, i was also with DLofD with GH and he was a good guy, RIP mate
08-03-2011 05:51

it was posted in my clan chat that he/she logged in... hopefully it was a family member
The Honurus died. All warriors got 414 experience in attack,defence,strength and health.
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Forum -> In Memoriam -> RIP GameHunter