Forum -> Announcements -> We're back

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17-07-2010 17:42

Due to a bug all woodcutting,strength,attack,defence and health XP had been set to 0.

We have reset the experience for these skills using a backup from the 15th. Where available we used some data from the top 1000.

Because of the XP bug a few players died. They have been given their items back. We have removed the items from those players who picked them up. During this downtime we have cancelled all fights to prevent any further deaths. We also made sure no one was in the Outlands.

Moderator edit:
We're still adding items to the ones that died.
Mr. Addy
Keeping this game free by adding ads to every topic
17-07-2010 18:29

We're checking if we can get a fresher copy of the top-1000 to recover even more recent XP's for these 4 skills.

If we do; your XP will be reset to this value (only if it is higher than your current Syrnia XP).

There are no fresher copies of the top-1000. We're exploring other recovery options.
19-07-2010 19:19

Accounts that have been renamed between 15 - 17 July missed their Woodcutting and Combat exp. These 7 accounts have been fixed.

It looks like ALL accounts have at least the stats from the 15th of July back now.

It doesn't seem like we can get access to more recent data, however, whenever we are able to restore more up to date stats we will only use the XP if it's higher than your current XP.

Some users suggested some more invasions or double XP days to compensate for the losses a bit. I quite like the idea, If most of you do too we could organise a XP-boost event some time in August or later.

Moderator edit:
Backups are now more frequent and this error should never return.
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Forum -> Announcements -> We're back