Forum -> Announcements -> Update

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10-01-2010 20:56

Its been a busy period for the Mod team over the past month or so. We hope to have some new Mods in place over the next couple of weeks, have made some changes to the rules and as many of you have seen we have tagged a number of our Mod team. The additions to the rules were made for a number of reasons including players asking for a more comprehensive set of rules, and with players asking who the Mods were some of the Mod team have been tagged. Please post any suggestions about the rules on the forum.

Within the next 2 weeks we will be setting up the focus groups again with the intention of gathering together the best ideas from the community about game updates/ coding etc. If you would be interested in joining the focus group then keep your eye out for an update and further details soon.

We are in the stickiest situation since sticky the stick insect got stuck on a sticky bun.
Mr. Addy
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Forum -> Announcements -> Update