Forum -> Announcements -> Syrnia API for community fan sites

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02-08-2009 18:09

Today we're launching an API for Syrnia fan sites. This enables them access some Syrnia data and do fancy stuff with this information. We hope this will improve/enhance your Syrnia experience! Don't be afraid; we have full control over what data these websites can and can not access.

If you do not like external Syrnia fan sites having access to some of your player details, you can go to "Options" -> "Privacy options" and raise your privacy level.

At the moment the API can be used to gather the following Syrnia data:
- The complete clan list (tag,title), updated daily.
- The complete list of all player names, updated daily.
- The top 1000 of every skill.
- Player profiles, containing: All levels, clan, signature, avatar, join date, current equipment (Players can decide to hide details).

You can request API access for your Syrnia fan site by emailing support( ) Please note that we will only allow access to a limited amount of websites. You should already have a Syrnia website running before applying.

Let's see how this changes the Syrnia fan sites!

Edit: Forgot to mention; we now have a RSS feed of the Syrnia news.

Edited on 02-08-2009 18:45

Edited on 02-08-2009 19:01
Mr. Addy
Keeping this game free by adding ads to every topic
03-08-2009 17:25

-Auctionhouse information has been added to the API (A list of all running auctions)

Edited on 03-08-2009 17:26
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Forum -> Announcements -> Syrnia API for community fan sites