Forum -> Contests -> Official Syrnia Contest #45

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18-01-2009 22:20

OK, Welcome to Where Is RAID? A newish game from the Mod team. At 23:00 Syrnia time (dead on) one of the Mod team will copy paste all of the users at Sanfew. When the gun goes (will be shouted in World chat) you must find SYRAID. He will be hidden somewhere on Remer Menzo Dearn Serpenthelm or Webbers Island. The first person to unsuccessfully thieve SYRAID wins the prize! Remember that only people at Sanfew when the gun goes off will be entered into the competition.

The Prize is a Koban Axe!!

Mod team.

I should have added that Poj won this competition

Edited on 22-01-2009 20:27
We are in the stickiest situation since sticky the stick insect got stuck on a sticky bun.
Mr. Addy
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Forum -> Contests -> Official Syrnia Contest #45