Forum -> Announcements -> Moderation and rules update

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05-11-2008 21:28

We've made some changes regarding the rules and moderation to improve Syrnia for both the staff and the players.

First of all, we updated the rules to be more accurate and relevant. Please read them over again, to look at the changes and to refresh your memory of all of the rules in the game. There were quite a few changes made, but most were minor in nature. We regret to tell you that we don't have a master list of all changes made. The new rules will apply immediately.

To encourage everyone to behave and get used to the new rules, we've cleared all past moderation logs. This means all logs of previous mutes/forumbans etc. have been cleared. These logs are used to determine if a player is a repeat offender. If a player has a big moderation log, the punishments are accordingly. This log clearing is a fresh start for everyone.
There is one minor exception to this: there are a few (3 or 4) players of which we will take their history in account if they return to their old behaviour. Their history has of course also been wiped and we hope everyone will benefit from this.

From time to time, the moderators may send a warning to different chat channels when the situation requires it. This can be send via a whisper or in the public chat, depending on the situation.

Last but not least, we've once again expanded the moderation team. There are also a few more public moderators that you may see from time to time.

As usual we welcome constructive feedback about any of the changes on the feedback forum.

Mr. Addy
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Forum -> Announcements -> Moderation and rules update