Forum -> Announcements -> Happy Holidays!

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28-06-2008 21:02

Dear all,

While we wanted to launch some big new updates before the holidays, we decided to postpone the plans to be able to properly test them. Adding a great new, but bugged, feature would ruin everything.
We can (for a change) tell you some details about these planned updates though:

1. Syriet ore will be coming to the game. This will unlock the best available weapons and armour for now!
2. We will have something set up for any desert medals to be exchanged for special weapons and armour.
As a reminder, we still are working on resolving all bugs.

These are just some expected updates for the month of August.

One last thing, every few days there will be an invasion. This will start this Sunday, 29/6, and go on until 21/7, a Monday. No location will be used twice during this to ensure that every location is utilized with the invasions and that everyone can join in as they wish.

Enjoy your holidays!
Mr. Addy
Keeping this game free by adding ads to every topic
28-06-2008 21:03

28-06-2008 21:03

Thank you M2H!
28-06-2008 21:03

Exciting News!
28-06-2008 21:04

Thank You Very Much M2H for a great Game and good job
28-06-2008 21:04

28-06-2008 21:04

Awesome, thanks for letting us know the game's still getting some good attention.
One question i have though, where will the ore and medal exchange take place at though? Are some of our current areas going to be edited/updated, or can we hope for a new island as well?

Moderator edit:
The Syriet ore will need a proper location, and should be rare, not like iron/copper etc.

So it'll be like platina. OL or an arch cave a-like location.

The medal exchange could be at the battle arena locations.
28-06-2008 21:06

thanks for telling us in advance, M2H
28-06-2008 21:08

Thanks M2H and Staff
Raving Roller
28-06-2008 21:08

I Want to thank who ever donated 30 euros for me.

[1]06:32 (Mod)Moderator: wow pete that is scary!... That's a first

Ravir[Cute]: Pete - We should just start calling you 'Detective Pete'! lol
28-06-2008 21:10

Hunter Lee
28-06-2008 21:10

Thanks M2H
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Forum -> Announcements -> Happy Holidays!