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Forum -> Help -> holiday suit (non-holiday use) - speed reduction

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28-07-2022 01:42

my current speed level - 73

xanso to mentan (no speed gear): Moving to Mentan takes you 229 Seconds and you will gain 180 Experience in speed.

xanso to mentan (holiday speed suit - no enchants): Moving to Mentan takes you 187 Seconds and you will gain 180 Experience in speed.

xanso to mentan (holiday speed suit with leather boots - no enchants): Moving to Mentan takes you 150 Seconds and you will gain 180 Experience in speed.

xanso to mentan (holiday speed suit with eagle boots - no enchants): Moving to Mentan takes you 131 Seconds and you will gain 180 Experience in speed.

xanso to mentan (anasco speed suit - no enchants): Moving to Mentan takes you 124 Seconds and you will gain 180 Experience in speed.

xanso to mentan (anasco speed suit with eagle boots - no enchants): Moving to Mentan takes you 116 Seconds and you will gain 180 Experience in speed.

So, if you use a holiday suit at times other than holidays, you do get a speed reduction, and it is fairly close to an anasco speed set (lvl 35 required) if you use eagle boots (which you can use at lvl 1 speed). Clearly, this is mainly advantageous to players whose speed lvl is below 35. But, if you prefer to travel in holiday style all the time, it might be worth noting.

For the official announcement, see the News - 29-10-2021 Halloween - Changes, and why?

Edited on 28-07-2022 03:30
Mr. Addy
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Mazrim Taim
10-08-2022 15:45

I used a bloodsuit to knock out a few levels till 35 the timer isnt much different with a blood suit that it was anasco
You found 1 Four leaf clover while walking!
[6]01:12 (Mod)Moderator: TheGnomeLord- Lord of all the Gnomes
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Forum -> Help -> holiday suit (non-holiday use) - speed reduction

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