Forum -> Mod's Corner -> Roadmap Update - March 2024

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03-05-2024 17:50

Let me explain the road how to obtain a Dragon suit Ben, since I’ve done it 3 times now. And I was lucky to do it almost solo or max. 2 others:
1) Solo it took me 60 days of 15 hours playing to get a Dragon suit. That is or extreme unlucky or that shows just how difficult it is to get an Obsidian Dragon and let it drop an Obsidian dragon scale.
2) Besides the hours (this is 0 mining effort, only moving to find dragons), it took me 650k HP (no biggie, it should cost HP but I wanted to be complete).
3) If you have only 1 other with you down there, your chances drop with 50%. So basic math would tell me that suddenly it would take me 120 days of 15 hours.

It should be hard to obtain a dragon suit, but for a small community with like 50%+ that because of real life have to play not actively, this is just utter nonsense.
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Mr. Addy
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03-05-2024 17:55

the main reason i have not got dragon suit , it is ridiculously hard to obtain one , i would take me forever on my own.
5] 02:25 willie[~HaJ~]: I heard it's easier to get locked items from deep in the Arch Caves than it is by digging, is that true?

[5] 02:25 Twitxhy[~L~]: Maybe if you're pedro
03-05-2024 18:23

I've made roughly 3 suits now due to my sanfew giveaway mechanic, and I've probably sold enough obi mats for a 4th suit it's not hard just takes time.

I work with whoever is willing to hunt, if noone I solo. I also cant mine anything in ac5. If both locations have ore at spawn time I run map to check.

To comment on Glenn's last paragraph there this specifically

"but for a small community with like 50%+ that because of real life have to play not actively"

Syrnia identifies itself as a Free browserbased text based multiplayer rpg game.(found from the game tour page)

^not as an idle type

I understand real life things happen and can cause minimal activity to be the only way to play but that's just syrnia's umbrella of options or styles u can play.

Personally I dont think its utter nonsense. It is unfortunate for those that can't put in time. To hunt actively but luckily for those folks there's potential to buy or trade for a dragon suit.
Mr Tiddles
03-05-2024 18:55

Dragon hunting with 2 people is actually faster than soloing

It will cost less food because the fights are not just cut in half but the dragons often do not hit you if more than 1 player is involved

Also note that 2 players can kill the dragon before the 15 min spawn timeframe giving you many more spawn chances

So in reality a good team can probably get 2 dragon suits for around 300k hp spent each for a total of 600k hp overall for 2 suits in about 45 days

I know from personal experience that teamwork is not a bad thing down there it's a blessing

I have also made 3 suits worth now for just myself and been part of like 7 suits made total between my clan

Makarov and myself have lost a total of 5 and Mr RNG lost 1 so we've donated 5 suits to the floor

Lamb and myself have suits and a spare -7tt suit

So I know what I'm talking about as well

Edited on 03-05-2024 18:59
This is a silly fourm siggy
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Forum -> Mod's Corner -> Roadmap Update - March 2024