Forum -> General -> Make Palindromes great again

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31-07-2022 09:26

Woodcutting level: 73 (3592953 exp, 9682 for next level)
You have successfully thieved M2H, but they are not carrying any gold at the moment.

You have married Solunar!
5th March 2020.
Mr. Addy
Keeping this game free by adding ads to every topic
01-08-2022 12:22

Fishing level: 282 (397593301 exp, 533335 for next level)
R.I.P Dad 20.4.13
R.I.P Rizla 18.1.11
R.I.P Marmite 20.8.13

TermaMatrix got 1 Roodarus horn!

50 TermaMatrix struck and dealt 50 damage to Golgol the Granite Golem. 0/5500
02-08-2022 08:28

Cooking level: 76 (4129491 exp, 12021 for next level)

Woodcutting level: 77 (4272250 exp, 61016 for next level)

Edited on 02-08-2022 09:24
[3] 18:38 Foxy[~one~]: *pushes all out of the way* no squishing my son >:(

120 mining: 2019-02-11
140 mining: 2019-12-22
170 mining: 2020-06-12
200 mining: 2021-06-05
Mining level: 190 (100000000 exp
02-08-2022 17:20

Fishing level: 283 (398186151 exp, 4896984 for next level)
Fishing level: 283 (398259851 exp, 4823284 for next level)
Fishing level: 283 (398739701 exp, 4343434 for next level)
R.I.P Dad 20.4.13
R.I.P Rizla 18.1.11
R.I.P Marmite 20.8.13

TermaMatrix got 1 Roodarus horn!

50 TermaMatrix struck and dealt 50 damage to Golgol the Granite Golem. 0/5500
03-08-2022 14:50

Thieving level: 62 (2024201 exp, 24442 for next level)
*lights a candle for Dreamer and Maranda*

Joined: August 21, 2007 - 17:32
04-08-2022 15:42

Speed level: 85 (6067588 exp, 35553 for next level).
Speed level: 85 (6075669 exp, 27472 for next level).
Speed level: 85 (6076779 exp, 26362 for next level).
Speed level: 85 (6077079 exp, 26062 for next level).
Speed level: 85 (6078399 exp, 24742 for next level).
Speed level: 85 (6079209 exp, 23932 for next level).
Speed level: 85 (6079809 exp, 23332 for next level).
Speed level: 85 (6080319 exp, 22822 for next level).
Speed level: 85 (6092940 exp, 10201 for next level).
Defence level: 133 (28473443 exp, 443344 for next level)
R.I.P Dad 20.4.13
R.I.P Rizla 18.1.11
R.I.P Marmite 20.8.13

TermaMatrix got 1 Roodarus horn!

50 TermaMatrix struck and dealt 50 damage to Golgol the Granite Golem. 0/5500
08-08-2022 00:08

Fishing level: 54 (1227864 exp, 44444 for next level)
08-08-2022 18:54

Attack level: 114 (16818422 exp, 94449 for next level)
2022-02-20 02:53:24 Savage(108) did 53 damage to Darenth. Darenth had 0 HP left.

[0] 18:57 *Note to Self - Savage = no invasions* Got it!
09-08-2022 08:30

Speed level: 86 (6121287 exp, 234432 for next level).
R.I.P Dad 20.4.13
R.I.P Rizla 18.1.11
R.I.P Marmite 20.8.13

TermaMatrix got 1 Roodarus horn!

50 TermaMatrix struck and dealt 50 damage to Golgol the Granite Golem. 0/5500
10-08-2022 12:28

Fishing level: 55 (1354083 exp, 1234 for next level)

Not a palindrom, but still a nice number )
11-08-2022 15:09

Defence level: 145 (39042966 exp, 23432 for next level)
Combat 147 100089437; 27/03/2019
Combat 180 200000065; 06/09/2021
Total 1195 200001433; 15/10/2020
Total 1270 255003037; 13/06/2021
Farming level: 81 (5000026 exp; 18/04/2019
Mining 215 152482097 1850848 28/06/2022
11-08-2022 18:19

Fishing level: 56 (1417885 exp, 24242 for next level)
12-08-2022 18:58

Defence level: 133 (28784556 exp, 132231 for next level)
R.I.P Dad 20.4.13
R.I.P Rizla 18.1.11
R.I.P Marmite 20.8.13

TermaMatrix got 1 Roodarus horn!

50 TermaMatrix struck and dealt 50 damage to Golgol the Granite Golem. 0/5500
13-08-2022 15:14

Woodcutting level: 61 (1891278 exp, 45554 for next level)
"That's What"
14-08-2022 09:19

Defence level: 133 (28915346 exp, 1441 for next level)
Mining level: 173 (71753768 exp, 535535 for next level)
R.I.P Dad 20.4.13
R.I.P Rizla 18.1.11
R.I.P Marmite 20.8.13

TermaMatrix got 1 Roodarus horn!

50 TermaMatrix struck and dealt 50 damage to Golgol the Granite Golem. 0/5500
15-08-2022 23:15

Defence level: 146 (39951942 exp, 61116 for next level)
Combat 147 100089437; 27/03/2019
Combat 180 200000065; 06/09/2021
Total 1195 200001433; 15/10/2020
Total 1270 255003037; 13/06/2021
Farming level: 81 (5000026 exp; 18/04/2019
Mining 215 152482097 1850848 28/06/2022
16-08-2022 10:45

Defence level: 134 (29019671 exp, 661166 for next level)
Fishing level: 284 (406598751 exp, 1484841 for next level)
Fishing level: 284 (406648251 exp, 1435341 for next level)
Fishing level: 284 (406655351 exp, 1428241 for next level)
R.I.P Dad 20.4.13
R.I.P Rizla 18.1.11
R.I.P Marmite 20.8.13

TermaMatrix got 1 Roodarus horn!

50 TermaMatrix struck and dealt 50 damage to Golgol the Granite Golem. 0/5500
18-08-2022 19:09

Defence level: 147 (40359389 exp, 616616 for next level)
Combat 147 100089437; 27/03/2019
Combat 180 200000065; 06/09/2021
Total 1195 200001433; 15/10/2020
Total 1270 255003037; 13/06/2021
Farming level: 81 (5000026 exp; 18/04/2019
Mining 215 152482097 1850848 28/06/2022
19-08-2022 08:32

Fishing level: 284 (408081601 exp, 1991 for next level)
R.I.P Dad 20.4.13
R.I.P Rizla 18.1.11
R.I.P Marmite 20.8.13

TermaMatrix got 1 Roodarus horn!

50 TermaMatrix struck and dealt 50 damage to Golgol the Granite Golem. 0/5500
20-08-2022 12:27

Woodcutting level: 47 (751877 exp, 37373 for next level)
20-08-2022 13:28

Attack level: 159 (53118826 exp, 744447 for next level)
[3] 18:38 Foxy[~one~]: *pushes all out of the way* no squishing my son >:(

120 mining: 2019-02-11
140 mining: 2019-12-22
170 mining: 2020-06-12
200 mining: 2021-06-05
Mining level: 190 (100000000 exp
20-08-2022 20:30

Smithing level: 89 (7107066 exp, 51215 for next level)
*lights a candle for Dreamer and Maranda*

Joined: August 21, 2007 - 17:32
21-08-2022 12:08

Mining level: 102 (11410500 exp, 79997 for next level)
22-08-2022 08:04

Attack level: 159 (53407719 exp, 455554 for next level)
[3] 18:38 Foxy[~one~]: *pushes all out of the way* no squishing my son >:(

120 mining: 2019-02-11
140 mining: 2019-12-22
170 mining: 2020-06-12
200 mining: 2021-06-05
Mining level: 190 (100000000 exp
22-08-2022 16:01

Cooking level: 51 (1011844 exp, 33233 for next level)
Combat 147 100089437; 27/03/2019
Combat 180 200000065; 06/09/2021
Total 1195 200001433; 15/10/2020
Total 1270 255003037; 13/06/2021
Farming level: 81 (5000026 exp; 18/04/2019
Mining 215 152482097 1850848 28/06/2022
Pages: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30 - 31 - 32 - 33 - 34 - 35 - 36 - 37 - 38 - 39 - 40 - 41 - 42 - 43 - 44 - 45 - 46 - 47 - 48 - 49 - 50 -51- 52 - 53 - 54 - 55 - 56 - 57 - 58 - 59 - 60 - 61 - 62 - 63 - 64 - 65 - 66 - 67 - 68 - 69

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Forum -> General -> Make Palindromes great again