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13-06-2009 02:59

[1]02:57 tiff[~M~]: my koban axe is coming down on the next set of fingers i find in my pockets
Mr. Addy
Keeping this game free by adding ads to every topic
13-06-2009 20:56

[5] 20:54 candy101: neww here and idk but is this website famous?
15-06-2009 06:38

5]06:34 hkieme[]: where is invasion? looking at dw-hq and some of the locations say invasion
Will the people in the cheaper seats clap your hands? And the rest of you, if you'll just rattle your jewelry. - John Lennon
15-06-2009 18:42

[2]18:39 wickerman[KoRT]: You opened your Ancient chest...It contained 40 Cucumber seeds !
[2]18:40 Falstaff[Pub]: you opened your Cucumber...It contained 150 Cucumber seeds !
[2]18:41 Preff[Pub]: I'm sorry folks, we've been trying to get him back on his Medications in [Pub] but he keeps running off shouting about Cucumbers
15-06-2009 20:47

[4]20:44 soccerdemon: can someone please give me wood for free
[4]20:45 Fatboyzcaraudio[~FaM~]: Isri Can Whisper him
You have married Lipizzan !

You'll be lucky to be theived by me.
15-06-2009 23:37

[2] 23:25 blackknight: how do you get gyms
[2] 23:25 AstiaDragonkill[Soul]: hay? last time i checked.. hay is for livestock
[2] 23:25 AstiaDragonkill[Soul]: gym? thats a place you work out in.
[2] 23:25 mathman[-Rei-]: You buy some weights and stuff and you have a gym
[2] 23:26 CelaDawn[Order]: lol now that did me a lot of good to try to be nice and not comment on the gym thing
16-06-2009 01:45

[4]01:38 ToNtO87[Peace]: anyone want to buy 60 wood whisper me
[4]01:39 ToNtO87[Peace]: make a offer
[4]01:40 ToNtO87[Peace]: ok say 10 gold
[4]01:42 hidklad[T.F.A]: 60 wood would be 120 gold
[4]01:42 ToNtO87[Peace]: meet me at eully
[4]01:42 Fl3tch 4 Lyf: wood is only 2 gold each...
[4]01:43 ToNtO87[Peace]: i know thats why i said 120 gold
[4]01:43 ToNtO87[Peace]: or highyest offer
[4]01:43 Fl3tch 4 Lyf: you clicked 10 each?

The funny part is, neither of them were right.
16-06-2009 02:19

[2]02:17 Stormshadow: this is so odd, i found three goods in a row, and i fear a horrible event might come after, like an invasions of wickermen!

^^struck me as funny
Now and then we had a hope that if we lived and were good, God would permit us to be pirates.

You have married littlebro !
16-06-2009 03:33

[2] 03:32 BLOODYSKY[Drunk]: Your not old and rusty wicker ...Now Bring your Shiny Behind down here I Need some light
[2] 03:31 wickerman[KoRT]: the old rusty man
17-06-2009 10:04

[5] 09:41 dodeli: how do i make a mule carry my stufF?
[5] 09:42 dodeli: any1?
[5] 09:42 juzzy123[Only1]: i have no idea lol
[5] 09:42 Magnus[TCK]: u dont
[5] 09:42 Magnus[TCK]: it just makes travelling take less time
[5] 09:43 Baspall[O.G.]: you can carry as many items as you want by yourself. Why do you want a mule to do it for you?
[5] 09:43 dodeli: but the shop say it can carry my items! >:o
[5] 09:43 dodeli: oh

this made me laught alot XD
17-06-2009 17:07

[2] 17:06 Prometheus[TSoH]: as a guide, he has access to the OL scanner
[2] 17:05 Ferrow[Order]: He might drop guide powers
[2] 17:05 Ferrow[Order]: Lol nancho, kill orange
[2] 17:05 mr nacho[]: lol orange hit me for 10 at OL 13 xD

struck me as funny bottom to top
18-06-2009 21:26

[5] 21:24 tdb22[~SAN~]: MikeNeal92 i like playing peek-a-boo with my daughter, its a good game
[5] 21:23 Kipper350[NewB]: this
[5] 21:22 MikeNeal92: any1 know of any good games?
19-06-2009 23:02

[2]23:01 Chazo[Pond]: For just $1 a day, you can make sure this Choob has enough Bread to keep him alive on Kanzo. Call 1800 HungryChoob to donate. Thank you.
21-06-2009 20:46

Read from bottom up lol

[1] 20:44 corn[Snake]: then no soup 4 u
[1] 20:43 mr nacho[]: not corn seeds i hope...that would be cannibalism...for me AND corn! 0.o
[1] 20:43 tkd: lol i have a couple of seeds
[1] 20:42 corn[Snake]: no itll cost u *puts pinky to mouth* 50 kagillion dollars
[1] 20:42 corn[Snake]: X_D
[1] 20:41 mr nacho[]: lol corn
[1] 20:41 tkd: thats good. is it free? because i dont have money
[1] 20:41 corn[Snake]: o sry i make it a rule to never really get bout chicken, or a shish kabob?
[1] 20:40 tkd: i need some shrimp of anyfood
[1] 20:40 corn[Snake]: hold on tkd i have to run out to the store anyways wat u need?
[1] 20:40 tkd: anyone wanna give me food? i will give some seeds
[1] 20:40 tkd: i need some food
[1] 20:39 corn[Snake]: XD
[1] 20:39 mr nacho[]: i dont know rofl
[1] 20:39 tkd: whos clan?
[1] 20:38 mr nacho[]: yup
[1] 20:38 tkd: hey guys can i join a clan?
[2] 21:05 desordor[FFX2]: dammit i have alcohol in my nose
[2] 21:05 desordor[FFX2]: darn that hurts
[2] 21:05 desordor[FFX2]: brb

\nn/ Headbangers Unite \nn/
22-06-2009 02:22

[2]02:21 13randon[X3]: my iq is lower then room temp....

[2]03:07 harvestmoonaway[~SPR~]: i try to cover up my ugliness, both physically and mentally

Edited on 22-06-2009 03:10
22-06-2009 08:06

[2] 08:04 Kakashi1[Sigmr]: There's a lot of things fathers are supposed to say to daughters, like "That man looks like he's broke, avoid him."
[2] 08:05 Ravir[Soul]: Shamp - That man *points to Kaka* looks like he's broke. Avoid him

I know this involves me, so I'm not supposed to post it, but this made me laugh so I'm going to do it anyway.
23-06-2009 00:52

[2]00:50 orochimaru the kid: were can i find a 50ft long sword

25-06-2009 23:35

[3]23:34 Dark Jak[Cyber]: funny how here gold makes really good armour and tools but irl its a really soft metal
I guess I still miss you
But talking's for functioning people.

26-06-2009 00:58

[3]00:54 Dark Jak[Cyber]: yay i can typoe withougfh looksin at th ek eyboard
Mining level: 45 (666666 exp, 13134 for next level)

To the end. - Jak
26-06-2009 04:49

dark your not supposed to do yourself
26-06-2009 05:07

[2] 04:41 a_f_c[~FoS~]: .. and a thing called looove
[2] 04:41 CelaDawn[Order]: and the flowers and the tree
[2] 04:40 Chazo[KoRT]: Ok Girls and Boys.. Lemme tell you 'bout the Birds and the Bees

[1]05:07 ladytabitha[Pog]: hush, anti--I am here for a bit-;)
[1]05:07 antiwolf[~X~]: well then.. wanna suck face?
[1]05:08 ladytabitha[Pog]: nah-lol
[1]05:08 ladytabitha[Pog]: but what a comment
[1]05:08 BLOODYSKY[Drunk]: O_o
[1]05:08 antiwolf[~X~]: always my luck

Edited on 26-06-2009 05:09
26-06-2009 05:17

Finally something funny gets posted on here!! LOL @ Fruc's post
"I have burnt the book of laws, to serve the deadman's cause, as a soldier of The Legion."
26-06-2009 05:18

Gotta agree, Fruc posted the funniest thing in a while.
26-06-2009 06:42

From bottom to top this little conversation just made me laugh so hard.

5] 06:38 tkd[.GOD.]: its possible though
[5] 06:37 soulstealer[Snake]: dont think u could train him how to read the blurry letters and then type them in thats way to hard
[5] 06:36 tkd[.GOD.]: idk i can train him. but hes to lazy i feed him to much crackers
[5] 06:35 soulstealer[Snake]: how can it do that>
[5] 06:35 tkd[.GOD.]: yes parrot
[5] 06:35 shdwrlm[Order]: parrot
[5] 06:35 tkd[.GOD.]: i ment if imy Parote entered my bot check codes
[5] 06:34 soulstealer[Snake]: what u mean?
[5] 06:34 tkd[.GOD.]: nvm hes to lazy
[5] 06:33 tkd[.GOD.]: is it ok if my parote enters my bot check?
Will the people in the cheaper seats clap your hands? And the rest of you, if you'll just rattle your jewelry. - John Lennon
26-06-2009 15:08

Sorry Mods ... but I found this amusing

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Your gonna have to face it your addicted to Crow ;)
Perched in chat since 29/01/2007
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