Forum -> General -> excalibus suit and fighting dragons

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23-10-2020 23:28

i have an excalibus suit complete with sword ; i am in arch 4 awaiting the opening of the lost caves at 00:00 when i will head to arch 5 to fight a dragon

just for fun, add your choice for what you think will happen:

a) sto (sanfew transport orb)

b) whew! (the excalibus suit can be used to fight dragons)

answer: neither ; i took ansem's advice and tried just the sword ; it was destroyed

Edited on 24-10-2020 03:09
Mr. Addy
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The Couch Yeti
23-10-2020 23:31

I think B
23-10-2020 23:32

Neither, if you try just using the sword first. You don't die if only your weapon is the wrong metal.
[3] 18:38 Foxy[~one~]: *pushes all out of the way* no squishing my son >:(

120 mining: 2019-02-11
140 mining: 2019-12-22
170 mining: 2020-06-12

Mining level: 156 (50000000 exp, 403263 for next level)
24-10-2020 01:12

rip in pieces
[3]04:12 Gods Messenger[~FoS~]: *skips to the outlands* Baby GM do do do Baby GM do do do, Let's go get free ore do do do Let's go get free ore do do do
Redwingz(123) attacked Twitxhy, and did 69 damage. Twitxhy had 0 HP left.
24-10-2020 01:31

Hopefully B
24-10-2020 02:00

WC 100 02:07 10/2/2016
WC 120 23:06 10/1/2017
WC 100mill xp 24/03/2020
WC Level 114, #50 19/10/2016
WC Level 143, #25 7/2/2018
Anascan and Proud
Dark Nero
24-10-2020 03:42

*Puts on mr popo voice* "He Dead!"

for reference.

Edited on 24-10-2020 03:44
God' is nothing more than a construct created by man to inspire fear and promote order.

If you wish to see me struck down, for all these atrocities, use your own hands to do so, not 'God's'.
25-10-2020 02:05

You die for wearing the wrong metal? Hmm my gold chain nails just be breaking left and right no death yet though
57 cheezy struck and dealt 57 damage to the Frost giant. 911/2000
25-10-2020 02:28

It's not an automatic death; you're just more likely to die because the damage will be multiplied.
[3] 18:38 Foxy[~one~]: *pushes all out of the way* no squishing my son >:(

120 mining: 2019-02-11
140 mining: 2019-12-22
170 mining: 2020-06-12

Mining level: 156 (50000000 exp, 403263 for next level)
Only users can reply.

Forum -> General -> excalibus suit and fighting dragons