Forum -> General -> Name Change Thread

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Pages: 1- 2

22-12-2019 06:33

I've found it rather difficult to constantly relearn, and keep up with, who everyone is with name changes happening fairly often. I figured it would be helpful to have a thread dedicated to document all name changes from those who want their change to be known.

Leave a comment here, or simply whisper/message me your old names.


Vermin -> Intro Vert

Ignis Mundi -> Sephiroth -> Invictus91 -> Inviictus -> Victreebel

Scray -> Scarycereal -> Count Chocula -> Scary -> Scary Bacon -> Bacon of Doom -> Elvis -> Ultimate Spinach -> Meatloaf

Dark Neroxus -> Serendibite -> Benguin -> Edgeshot -> Dark Neroxus -> Askeladd -> Dark Nero

Beaver Bill -> Lords Red Knight -> Lords Red Night -> Rooster22 -> LRK -> Hillybilly Slim Shady

Hells Bells -> Shadowgate -> Hells Bells -> Integral -> Ansem -> Shadowgate

Excessum -> ExcessBadger

Prometheus -> incognito -> Prometheus

JohnRose92 -> A Wild JR -> JR III

foozard -> Foozard -> zooF -> Anarcho FooBear

Iron Guard24 -> Errant

Sakura -> Harvestmoonaway -> Harmoony -> (new account) DefunctSpigot

mnk-slayer -> Caveman -> (new account) Typhon -> Mnk

benjai -> Mega Bite

Azbekkiem -> Forgemaster Az

OLDemon -> Stein

Dwake007 -> (new account) Pendragon

shadowemokitty -> Pantera

xxlostsoulxx -> (new account) Lost518 -> Satirical

richrich -> Rich716 -> Rich -> Ragnar

Timetraveler -> TheDoctor

Savage -> ItsFearnyyy -> Savage

Mr Tiddles -> Koban Knight -> Mr Tiddles

Xarn -> Arioch -> Nightshade -> Arioch

Dangermouse -> Batfink -> Sirbatfink -> Kingbatfink

curseuall -> LordCurseuall -> LCA -> Evil Mage -> LCA

razorback255v -> Razor

edwin_dwianto -> Edwin

Godneys -> Freakshow

Ivy -> Venus -> Celebi -> Dusk -> Ivy

1291998 -> (new account) Marauder818

Irom -> SirOromis -> Falconer -> Oromis

Edited on 14-05-2023 03:19
Mr. Addy
Keeping this game free by adding ads to every topic
22-12-2019 06:47

Scray. Scarycereal. Count Chocula. Scary. Scary Bacon. Bacon of Doom.
Proud leader of Squeaky Clean

Our mouths are clean, our hands are dirty!

Fortune favors the bold.
Dark Nero
22-12-2019 10:43

Dark Neroxus - Serendibite - Benguin - Edgeshot - Dark Neroxus
When a King holds up his Sceptre, it can be for many reasons, friends, justice but what holds that sceptre up is the strength he puts into his right hand!
07-01-2020 19:45

Hells Bells >> Shadowgate >> Hells Bells >> Integral >> Ansem
[3] 18:38 Foxy[~one~]: *pushes all out of the way* no squishing my son >:(

120 mining: 2019-02-11

142 attack: 2019-09-08

140 mining: 2019-12-22
07-01-2020 19:45

Excessum -> ExcessBadger
[2]11:40 Sephiroth[Choob]: Thou arsle slhalt be slpanked.

Creepers gonna creep
Mr Coffee
07-01-2020 19:48

Prometheus > incognito > Prometheus

Edited on 07-01-2020 19:49
8th Member of the 1000 TL club
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
TSoH 4 Life!
07-01-2020 22:02

JohnRose92 -> A Wild JR
Anarcho FooBear
08-01-2020 01:23

foozard -> Foozard
[W]01:55 bellabell3[Loyal]: going crazy is really a good way to stay sane :D

[2]14:53 Amr[World]: this is called autism

You have married Marley!
10-01-2020 07:56

Iron Guard24 -> Twitxhy
[2]08:35 Alaric: enjoy your porn game and trolling

piranhattack has declined Cooked Piranha for you at Kinam

Smithing level: 98 (9999999 exp, 1 for next level)
10-01-2020 19:17

You are not Iron Guard24 lol, I am
10-01-2020 19:17

Thousand-years Dungeon for you, Twit. >
10-01-2020 20:14

*kicks Twit*
[3] 18:38 Foxy[~one~]: *pushes all out of the way* no squishing my son >:(

120 mining: 2019-02-11

142 attack: 2019-09-08

140 mining: 2019-12-22
04-02-2020 21:31

Sakura/Harvestmoonaway/Harmoony here. So happy to be back with all these amazing people ^^ ! Thank you for welcoming me back!
04-02-2020 23:59

mnk-slayer --> Caveman --> Typhon (new account)
Mega Bite
18-02-2020 08:18

benjai > Mega Bite
**Outland Outlaws**
Forgemaster Az
16-03-2020 17:32

Azbekkiem => Forgemaster Az
R.I.P. Kelly
I will never forget you. You leaving leaves a big whole in my heart. Keep a place in front row for me at Wrestlemania: Heaven Edition! I love you, my friend...and I miss you :,(
05-11-2021 04:49

shadowemokitty -> pantera
[0] 05:46 Pantera got a Black cat.

'Cause high noon, your doom.. Comin' for you we're the cowboys from hell!

#139 Mining
#381 Speed
05-11-2021 04:50

xxlostsoulxx>Lost518> Satirical
(I used to be xxlostsoulxx before I had to make this acc though=( My og was deleted)
06-11-2021 11:12

richrich -> Rich716 -> Rich
Proud Leader of Chaos Reborn [-CR-]

You have married Elbaroda! 9-21-20

Rich[-CR-] -74,792 Fame

Rich Reason: Ex-pirate 6654 minutes left. Pay 399219 gold bribe
06-11-2021 11:53

21-12-2021 03:14


Edited on 15-05-2023 13:18
Chuck Norris killed schrodinger's cat.

[1] 15:07 Shinobi[-TL-]: Well aren't you just the spawn of Stan >.>
21-12-2021 14:35

Dangermouse > Batfink > Sirbatfink > Kingbatfink

Edited on 21-12-2021 16:56
[2] 19:46 Batfink[Snake]: I would love to visit OL but that would just be suicide, I might aswell stick my head in a lions mouth and flick its love spuds with a wet towel
21-12-2021 14:54

curseuall > LordCurseuall > LCA > Evil Mage > LCA
Cooking level: 215
Fishing level: 127

You have been locked up in the Wingmere jail.

*Ad Astra*
HillBilly Slim Shady
05-02-2022 04:17

Beaver Bill, Lords Red Knight, Lords Red Night, Rooster22 and LRK
14-03-2022 15:44

razorback255v -> Razor
Pages: 1- 2

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Forum -> General -> Name Change Thread