Forum -> Contests -> Official Syrnia Contest #102 Chat game.

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03-01-2016 14:05

Hello Syrnians!

We will be holding a guessing game, every 15 minutes for 1 hour starting 14:30 game time we will be asking a question in chat, each question will have 3 winners (the first 3 to answer correctly).

Once you have won once you may not win again to allow others a chance at the prize.

The question will be asked in chat and the answers must be sent to the Forum department via ticket with the topic "Chat Game."
Answers are through tickets to keep spam out of chat and allow everyone to guess without seeing the answers so keep it out of chat please.

1 guess per question each please.

We understand that some won't be on in this timezone so to keep it a little more fair we will hold another one as well.
Due to schedule clashes we can't do it in 12 hours from the first start time so we will do it in 36 hours from then so the contests are at opposite ends of the day.

If you win in the first hour you can't win in the contest at 02:30 game time on January 5th.

Now for the prize:

The prize will be a small invasion/event of the winners choice and their choice of location.

"Dangerous" to get resources are excluded, so no syriet - puranium ores available.

Good luck!

Moderator edit:
Winners of the Chat game:

Answer: 3960 Koban Axe

Fingers - 3959

YoungBlood - 3969

Walker - 3963

Answer: 3479 Small fishing boat (Honorable mention to Fingers and Walker who guessed the right number here but had already won once)

Carina - 3478

Jim - 3481

Prometheus - 3477

Answer: 69150 Tulip

fraggelmupp - 69150

LordCurseuall - 69152

misteeq - 69147

Answer: 136 Four leaf clover

Kozmik - 136

Fate - 142

Isen - 143

Please help my little cousin Dallas.
All donations and Facebook shares are appreciated and for a great cause:
Mr. Addy
Keeping this game free by adding ads to every topic
05-01-2016 01:32

Please remember that the winners from last time can't win again this time, though you are welcome to play for fun to see how well you do.

After the fiasco last time we want all the answers in the one ticket.

Make the topic of your ticket "Chat Game"

For those who have never sent a ticket, go to messages and contact game staff.
create your ticket and add your answer then submit.
For each answer after that go to contact game staff again, view your ticket, then add another reply.

Good Luck!

Moderator edit:
Winners of round 2:

Answer: 520 Heerchey docks teleport orb

Clydex - 531

Blaidd_Drwg - 531

C4LV1N - 511

Answer: 1468 Rose crest shield

Lord_Deimos - 1458

Esentic - 1455

Blackout Vision - 1462

Answer: 5191 Ogre boots

breeze - 5145

pook1e - 5176

poley - 5133

Answer: 4294512 Gold ore

Pete - 4294555

LingLing - 4295453

Light - 4294564

Please help my little cousin Dallas.
All donations and Facebook shares are appreciated and for a great cause:
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Forum -> Contests -> Official Syrnia Contest #102 Chat game.