Forum -> Contests -> Official Contest #30

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16-03-2006 06:03

Here is a riddle, first person to correctly guess it wins 1 pumpkin and 2 blue presents.

Editing of posts is allowed, but final edit time is what will determine the winner. You will need to meet in Eully to collect your prize.

What word has the following characteristics?

the first 4 letters of the word is an atmospheric condition.
the 3rd through 7th letters supports a plant.
the 4th through 7th letters is to appropriate.
the last 3 letters is a name.

What 8 letter word is it?

Mr. Addy
Keeping this game free by adding ads to every topic
16-03-2006 06:06


Edited on 16-03-2006 06:09
16-03-2006 06:09

Don't take life so seriously, you won't escape it alive anyway
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Forum -> Contests -> Official Contest #30