Forum -> Contests -> Official Contest #10

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14-06-2005 17:30

Okay, the first contest where you can help support Syrnia and get rewarded for it.

We are looking for a very nicely written review of Syrnia, to be posted on game top sites, as the game description, and other marketing related sites.

The review should be between 100-400 words, and the better posts will be able to clearly define the great features of Syrnia that are unique to the game, to intrigue people to try it.

Please email your reviews to [email protected]

After you email your submission, please post in this contest forum that you've emailed your review.

Example: I emailed my review on Tuesday, 17:25 syrnia time.

M2H will post the best review that he receives, and the reward for your review will be between 1-3 small chests, which contain better rewards than the blue presents.

The reason for the range of potential rewards, is that if the best review he receives is a pretty good one, but feels that others could drastically improve upon it, he will post it to the contest forum here, and that person will be rewarded. Then, if anyone can improve upon this review, the best one will also be rewarded.

Good luck everyone! Remember, this review will help bring more people into the game, which will generate more revenue and more potential updates to the game!
Mr. Addy
Keeping this game free by adding ads to every topic
14-06-2005 21:00

sent my review off at 21:00 syrnia time.
15-06-2005 11:44

sent my review off at 11:44 tuesday syrnia time.

Edited on 15-06-2005 19:56
15-06-2005 19:54

sent my review at 19:54 syrnia time.

Edited on 15-06-2005 19:55
16-06-2005 18:28

sent my review in at the time this post states over there <<< yup by my name.
22-06-2005 01:48

1:48 syrnia time
22-06-2005 09:23

#Review 1 #

In a far land in the middle of the ocean wich is called Syrnia.
Syrnia a land with many undiscovered things, But also
many ways to make your path. In this land where the
Mountains are high, Crops grow fast, Lakes full of fish ,
Cities who reach high in the sky , Trades and Wars between
Clans. The people join or made a clan to stand stronger together.
This land of old stories and hero's you can join, Become
an legend and make your dreams come true. Join now and use your
Sword for Syrnia the mmorpg of the future.

#Review 2 #

Boosting an immense 15 different trainable skills, X towns and over 4500
registered players Syrnia is one of the most addictive, compelling MMORPGs
to date.
With skills ranging from combat to construction, mining to magic Syrnia
always has something fresh to offer, and with regular updates the lifespan
becomes infinite.
Win fame slaying monsters, build a reputation completing quests, corner the
market running your very own shop or obtain riches beyond your wildest
dreams as a thief or become universally feared hunting down other player in
the wild.
Explore four vast islands riddled with towns, shops, monsters and more
choose from over 120 pieces of forgeable armor and compete for first place
on the Syrnia high scores board to win the title of ultimate player.
With so many features and such a rich communist Syrnia is engrossing,
satisfying and full of life.

#Review 3 #

I have been playing Syrnia for a while now and let me tell you It's the best
free online game I have ever played. Syrnia is a game that is based in a
fantasy world that is in a late middle ages period you could say. In Syrnia
you can do all kinds of things such as thieve other players gold, mine all
kinds of ore, smith all kinds of weapons, tools, and armors, farm various
kinds of crops, cut wood, fish, cook, cast magic to collect your resources
faster, train in various fighting abilities, go to school to learn how to
make better houses and shops and improve your trading ability, and the best
thing of all the guy that created the game plays the game and if enough
people think something is a good idea, he'll add it to the game. Syrnia is
the best online game I have ever played.

#Review 4 #

Syrnia is a massively multiplayer online role playing game, totally free with nearly no advertisements. Being not as cold as games like Runescape and being even more social than programmes like MSN Messenger, playing Syrnia will get you lots of friends and foes around the world, which makes Syrnia the ultimate gaming experience for many.
Syrnia is a time-based game, which means for an instance if you want to chop trees, you don't got to click fourty times but will have to wait fourty seconds. Time is decided by your skills. One mistake many players make is considering time-based games as boring. Syrnia solves this with their brilliant chat system combined with many interesting players. When you play Syrnia, you can gain the friendship of many.

The world of Syrnia is one of competition. Born as a child at Sanfew, a small village with no future perspectives, you have no choice but to face the hard world. You will travel around the world, competing with the strongest, fastest, hardest and meanest. Your destiny is not clear yet. Will you rise to the top as a battle veteran, or prefer life on your farmlands? Will you and your hatchet become unseparatable, or will you gain neverending fame with your fishing rod? Will you rule over all using your magical skills, or will you wander a darker path and become a notorious Thief?
Will you lead your Clan to the ultimate victory, and rule the lands of Syrnia?

Nothing is decided yet. Soon it will be.
Join us now at

#Review 5 #

Welcome to the world of Syrnia. Where you can travel across ancient islands in
which pirates hide their treasure in trees, study the arts of trading and
become a rich merchant, master the craft of construction, become a mighty
warrior of Legend like the great Abu and much much more.

Syrnia is a new free online multiplayer RPG with an active community and
forums. The game is updated regally and has plans to be the first online RPG,
which really tries to let the players control the whole world. Always exciting
and ever changing why not join Syrnia Today

#Review 6 #

syrnia, is a great text based game, it has many different skill, farming,cooking,magic,etc. it never gets boring because it has really good updates. it lets you go anywhere you want it has tons of skills, it fun and it has a chat box, and for people who don't like chat it has a disable chat button, it has a high score thing so if you get high in it your kind of famous and set your own ranks. you can make your own clan or join a clan. also it has friendly staff , m2h is a nice person. it really tries to make you have fun and it works myself I didn't like text based game until syrnia, syrnia gives you the power to control your own clan you get your own clan forum ,the leader gets to change people ranks boot them from the clan,soon you will find it will be one of the best games you ever played!!

Edited on 22-06-2005 09:24
27-06-2005 16:52

The Winners:

After much debate, M2H and I decided that Submissions #2 and #4 both were equally deserving of winning the contest.

Therefore, both #2 and #4 receives 2 small chests as prizes.

#2 Review was submitted by Gelgarin
#4 Review was submitted by Eldenblade

Thanks to everyone for submitting their review. M2H truly appreciates your efforts.

Edited on 27-06-2005 16:55
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Forum -> Contests -> Official Contest #10